optimizing fit in a digital world

Let’s talk about fit ba-by, let’s talk about you and me! Let’s be honest…talking about fit, or asking a customer how a garment fits can feel uncomfortable. Sizing has been a sensitive topic of discussion for decades. Enter a global pandemic, and the topic has taken a back seat for some brands yet again. 

Now is not the time to pause the conversation on sizing. Size inclusive fashion events like CurvyCon, or Full Figured Fashion Week may be put on pause this year, but the voices of these consumers are louder than ever. Your customers want to be seen, and heard. They want to feel as though the people on the other side of the label have their best interest in mind when they are creating. Consumers aren’t asking one brand to be everything for everyone, your vibe attracts your tribe...right? Your job as the retailer is to serve your customer, listen to their needs, and deliver. 

"Your job as the retailer is to serve your customer, listen to their needs, and deliver."

Historically, sizing standardization was developed as a means to mass produce war uniforms, and coincided during a time when traditional clothing was made to order. In order to mass produce ready-to-wear clothing factories needed guidelines to help expedite the process to meet the shifting demands. A statistical approach to sizing was developed, and the fashion industry as we know it today was born. 

In a period where in person contact is not feasible, and e-commerce is booming - the ’try-then-buy’ prerequisite for purchasing is no longer applicable. Consumers are rapidly shifting their buying patterns, and adapting a ‘buy-then-try’ approach. Concerns over trying on clothing is putting brands at a crossroads, and forcing them to answer the question, what do we do when customers can’t try on our product any longer?

“The ’try-then-buy’ prerequisite for purchasing is no longer applicable"

Fit technology is at the forefront of conversation in the fashion industry, and is showing incredible opportunity for the future of in store, and online shopping. Companies like True Fit use data analytics to offer optimal size suggestions, and take the guesswork of size selection out of the customers hands. While technology could help to offer a solution to these issues, it won’t (at least not yet) take into account personal fit preference. 

Today, one standardized system could never appease all body types, shapes, and sizes in the world. The best approach is to treat your customers like an extension of your company. By taking action on their needs and desires you are already one step ahead of your competition. 

Here are a few ways to optimize fit with your product line:

Create fit blocks for your product

  • Creating block patterns based on your best selling product sets a standard of fit across the rest of your line. It provides consistency and efficiency in manufacturing as well by setting a standard to work from. 

Work with vertical manufacturers, and treat them as your ally

  • Get to know your suppliers like you would any other colleague you work with. Your manufacturers are an extension of your business, and should be treated as such. By honoring one another, you will benefit one another. 

Set quality standards, and adhere to them

  • Conduct quality checks in Pre-production, Top of Production, and In-Production phases. Establishing and communicating clear standards with your suppliers is critical in maintaining consistent quality throughout production.

Analyze sales, return rates and customer reviews

  • Data is your best friend! As much as creative people say they don’t like numbers - these are numbers you shouldn’t overlook. Review this information often, and determine thresholds to action. If returns are over a certain percentage to sales the the product should be reviewed for fit or quality issues. 

Get to know your customer

  • This may sound like an insignificant task, but it is ultimately the most important. Familiarize yourself with your customers feedback. Are they sizing up consistently? Are they looking for a roomier fit across the line? Their needs should come before your desires.

If you want help establishing consistency in your fit drop a note to meganannekrajco@gmail.com or visit my website to see how I can help.

Together, we can be better.


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