journaling for inspiration


I’ll admit - I haven’t been in the mood to write the past couple of weeks. I pushed myself into burnout - the one area that I never wanted to step foot into again. I set goals that were unattainable, and surpassed the boundaries that I put in place for myself. 

It’s great to set goals, but they need to be realistic and ideally should associate with a long term goal. When we push and push until we can’t push anymore we end up diverting into a black hole. We stop looking at long term, and focus on short term. We-just-want-to-get-by.  Sound familiar?

“It’s great to set goals, but they need to be realistic and ideally should associate with a long term goal."

I had the privilege of taking the last week off of work. It offered me a chance to reset, reflect, and rejuvenate. I started an art journal on my trip, and while it is not wildly spectacular it offered me a creative outlet. It allowed me to see the world I was out exploring from a different perspective.

Our world is evolving before our eyes. New ways of life are unfolding, and if we don’t take the time to look up from our screens we will pass by on opportunities worthy of our attention. I’ve learned over the past 6 months that when the ability to seek inspiration is taken away from us, our creativity disappears with it. This may not be a new concept for most, but it is one that we tend to forget when we are lost in busyness.

“If we don’t take the time to look up from our screens we will pass by on opportunities worthy of our attention."

My advice from one creative to another - take time for yourself. Relish in your creations. Look back, and then look again. Take time to really absorb your work, and feel proud. You have done such wonderful things, met such interesting people, made such unique products. Take time to applaud yourself, but also your peers. You deserve it.

Together, we can be better. 


designing foundation collections


optimizing fit in a digital world