finding confidence

“This is the season she will make beautiful things. Not perfect things, but honest things that speak to who she is, and who she is called to be.”

- Morgan Harper Nichols

I’ve had difficulty appreciating my design aesthetic through schooling and most of my career. I spent a lot of time comparing myself to other people, and felt inferior to other designers. Comparison, paired with constant negative self talk, had clouded me into thinking that I am not "good enough”, and I would never surmount to anything. I found myself feeling doubtful of my ability to design, uncreative, and most of all obsolete. This feeling sparked a journey for me to rediscover my confidence in creativity, and share my ideas with the world. 

The truth is, we all got into the apparel business for a reason. Each of us has our own story, and taking the time to remember our roots in the industry is an important step in rebuilding confidence in your work. Your story is your connection to the world, and people are waiting to discover your ideas. 

I started designing clothes in high school. When I didn’t have something to wear I would go into my makeshift sewing room in our basement (imagine purple and yellow fabric draped walls, dim lighting, a tiny foldable desk with a chair, and my sewing machine), and I would make a new top or dress to wear that day. I loved when my friends would ask “where did you get that?”, and I would say with joy “I made this”. I decided then that my purpose was to create clothing that makes people feel as much joy wearing it as I did creating it. 

“Create clothing that makes people feel as much joy wearing it as I did creating it."

I began my career with a women’s catalog company back in 2010. There, I learned the value of quality, hand-crafted, authentic design. We would spend days at art shows, go on inspirational trips overseas, visit small manufacturers of our footwear in the rolling hillsides of Italy, and draw our prints and graphics by hand. Each product we made was a work of art, built with intent and integrity. Our suppliers were our allies, and our friends.

The fashion industry has changed rapidly over the past ten years. Design teams are now being asked to turn around product in days versus months. Product intent switched from quality to quantity overnight, and before you know it created a division between brands to prove to the masses who was best. We lost sight of the joy, and self expression that our industry was founded on. 

Fast-forward ten years, and we are starting to see the economy shift again. Today my “why” holds the same intent, but has evolved as I have grown too. I started Megan Anne Designs because I want to help companies and entrepreneurs realize their potential by offering resources and expertise to help them achieve their goals. I believe that through sharing and collaborating, we can open up countless possibilities. 

“I want to help companies and entrepreneurs realize their potential by offering resources and expertise to help them achieve their goals.”

The apparel industry today has a lot of growth, and healing to get back on its feet again. Consumers are dedicating their dollars to companies that offer value, a sense of connection and purpose. We can shift the divide back together again, and be apart of the change if we work together to help one another flourish. 

Together, we can be better. 

Drop a note to if you’re interested in learning more about what I have to offer. 

— Megan


the busyness paradox